Fire Safety 101

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Fire Safety 101

In the event of a fire the most essential safety tip to remember is to always take the stairs! A short circuit can happen during a fire which could result in the elevator stalling on or between floors. During a fire an elevator shaft mimics a chimney, filling quickly with smoke. Citywide Elevator Consultants know the importance of fire safety and would like to share a few tips to avoid entrapment, as well as smoke inhalation in case of an emergency.

1. While riding in an elevator do not smoke or use anything that can create fire.

2. If you are the building owner and detect smoke or a fire, activate the elevators fire service mode. A fire service mode can happen automatically or by using a key on the ground floor. Initiating this mode will cause the elevator cab to return to ground level or alternate floor if needed due to fire. When the elevator reaches its recall floor the doors will open. 

3. In an emergency situation STAY CALM! Call for help and/or use the emergency button located within the elevator. It is important you do not try to open the elevator doors or use the escape hatch. Wait patiently for firefighters to rescue you. 

4. If you are the building owner make sure all sprinkler systems and elevators are inspected regularly.

5. If you hear fire alarms exit the building using the stairs. Do not re-enter the building under any circumstances.

6. If you are physically handicapped, ask about the presence of evacuation elevators. In the absence of evacuation elevators most building with allow freight elevators to be used.  

Following the tragic events of September 11th, 2001, new evacuation strategies are being investigated.  Evacuating high rises via stairs can take over an hour. Emergency elevators cut evacuation time in half. 

Michael Class