New Innovations and Technological Changes in Elevators


2017 to 2018 was a year of growth within the elevator industry. There were new innovations that could transform the way elevators operate as well as changes in construction and how elevators are serviced. We’ve transitioned from smart and “green” elevators to elevators that can be connected to the internet. Obviously, the elevator industry has come a long way and the strides being made are amazing. These are some of the accomplishments from the last couple of years. 

 1.     Smart Elevators

Just like other technology in our daily life, like televisions and phones, elevators too are becoming more high-tech. Skyscrapers continue to grow yearly making it necessary for elevator manufacturers to adjust the safety and speed of elevators in order to keep up. Smart elevators, along with other new advancements, are making big changes within the industry. 

 How do they work? A passenger pushes a button in order to set his destination. Then, an indicator directs them to a specific elevator that will transport him to that specific floor the fastest. This technology creates a more efficient way of moving passengers, especially during high traffic hours in busy buildings. Smart elevators can even be programmed to operate in different ways at different times throughout the day. 

 Smart elevators have a predicted growth of 12.7% CAGR in the next 8 years thus creating huge advancements and big strides in the market. 

 2.     Elevators and the Internet

Connectivity is the future of elevators, meaning it won’t be long before internet-connected elevators become more common. There is also a leading international company installing them, making them more known with each installation. 

 Elevators that work alongside the internet have sensors that gather data about usage and other factors. They can also sense wear and tear on parts and machinery on the elevator car. The information is retained on a cloud-based platform where it is then processed and analyzed to predict if, and when, maintenance will be needed. The information on the cloud could also predict future problems allowing elevator technicians to make repairs before there is a bigger issue/breakdown. 

 A key feature with internet-based elevators is the fact that companies can service some aspects of elevators remotely thus saving time and money. 

 3.     Virtual Reality Diagnosis

Another interesting innovation is call HoloLens. A leading manufacturer is collaborating with Microsoft in order to develop a virtual reality headset in order to ultimately change the way mechanics do repairs. Virtual reality devices will allow mechanics to diagnose problems without having to climb multiple floors and/or dangle in a lift shaft. This device makes it possible for mechanics using it to use hand motions in order to go close up and explore the parts and the engine of an elevator.  The view on the headset can also be widened allowing the user to do virtual “walk throughs” in order to look for places that need repair or replacements. 

 As you can see, there are major strides happening in the elevator industry. Every year comes with new innovations. With technology evolving, elevators will too evolve. Who knows what will be new in the elevator industry by 2030.

Michael Class