The More you Know the Higher you go!

The More you Know the Higher you go!

Have you ever stopped to think about how many elevator rides you’ve taken throughout your life?  For most people elevators are a huge part of their daily lives! Elevators are located in office buildings, apartments, hotels, school, and shopping centers! Citywide Elevator Consultants has had the opportunity to serve companies such as Cushman & Wakefield, CBRE, Columbia University, Hilton Hotels, Home Depot, Millennium Hotels, Equinox, and Travelers Insurance. Citywide has the experience and expertise in servicing companies at home and abroad. Citywide Elevator Consultants strives for excellence in every service we provide!

Here are five elevator fun facts!

1.    Elevators are the safest mode of transportation! They’re 20 times safer than escalators. Elevators are also a lot safer than motor vehicles. About 26 people die in elevators every year in this country; yet, 26 people die in car crashes every five hours. 

2.    Did you know that every 3 days, an elevator carries the equivalent of the earth’s population? More than 325 million people ride on elevators every day while escalators get about 245 riders each day.

3.    In the 1920s when elevators first emerged to the public, people were terrified. Thus, creating the need for elevator music in an attempt to calm down passengers.

4.    There were 24 elevators, manually operated by slaves, in the Roman Colosseum during ancient times.

5.    There are a couple famous elevators in the world. The elevator located in St. Louis’ Gateway Arch is very well-known. The world’s busiest elevator is Lacerda Elevator found in Salvador, Brazil. Lacerda Elevator transports 900,000 passengers every month in 30 second trips. Some other famous elevators include the Louvre elevator in France, known for its open cabin, and Taipei 101 in China, known for its high speeds.

Michael Class