Better to Be Safe Than Sorry.

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Based on the information gathered by the National Elevator Industry Inc. (NEII), there are well over 35,000 escalators in the U.S. that transport around 105 billion passengers per year. People rely on these machines daily to get us place to place in a timely manner. Unfortunately, this leads to many of us taking them for granted. Every elevator company makes passenger safety its number one concern and priority; however, not even best practices and scheduled maintenance can prevent injuries caused be equipment misuse. 

 As summer time approaches, escalators will see a surge in traffic as people head to shopping centers and take trips into the city, as well as a million others that will head to airports. This is also an issue during the holiday season. Escalators make it possible to move large amounts of people from place to place rather quickly. It is extremely important to be very attentive when riding these machines in order to avoid dangerous situations that put you and other riders at risk. 

 In order to raise awareness of possible safety risks, the TSSA, officially known as the Technical Standards and Safety Authority has produces a set of public safety videos demonstrating activities that can cause injuries while riding an escalator. These videos are a good reminder, and warning, of the increased dangers of equipment misuse during holidays and summer months. Each video is easily accessible on YouTube, making it even easier for passengers to learn and practice good safety measures. Don’t ever doubt how potentially dangerous machine-like escalators can be. 

Michael Class