
Destination Dispatch Control System

It happens all the time, and it typically happens when you don’t have a moment to spare. There is a lobby full of people all looking to get upstairs as quickly as possible. Everyone touches the call button. The elevator knows the urgency. The car arrives and the door opens and folks flood in, each pressing a floor below where you want to go. You are now stuck in the back of a “local” when you needed an “express”. Perhaps just as frustrating are the times people click multiple floors by accident, burdening you with an extra stop or two to the “ghost” floors. And if you are anything like me, you are suspicious of every kid who enters an elevator; they always have that twinkle in their eye as though they are going to make a Christmas tree shaped light display from the floor buttons.

If only there was a way for the elevator to know where I want to go before I got inside. That is the underlying concept behind Destination Dispatch Control Systems (DDCS). Using complicated algorithms, data is collected and analyzed. Riders are directed to selected cars which are destined for limited stops based on the commonality of the riders. Imagine that, an elevator that understands riders do not want an unending tour of floors in which they have no interest.

The rider experience is quite different right away, and takes a little mental adjustment. A touch screen keypad, whether wall mounted or freestanding podium style, is the first point of contact. Once the destination information is entered, the computer clusters the riders by floor. The rider is directed to a specific elevator. The elevator chooses them, they do not choose the elevator. Once inside the car, there are no signal buttons for floors. The elevator knows where you want to go and will get you there quickly. Because of the limited stops, elevators can work quicker and more efficiently. No more “locals” or “ghost floors” or “Christmas trees”. 

While DDCS are certainly a popular option in new construction, converting an existing system is possible based on its vintage elevator controller. These systems can be configured to enhance security by limiting access to only public floors. A system that works more efficiently requires less maintenance and, over the course of time, will save money.

To find out if DDCS is right for you, contact Citywide Elevators Consulting ( We can provide a comprehensive review of your system. Call Michael Walsh at 917.890.0842 (cell) or 212.227.2086 (office).

Michael Class