Show some smarts, Avoid moving parts

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Any time we see, “simple to learn and easy to use” together in a description, it catches our eye. Those two concepts are important to us. There is a certain comfort to using the same tried and true equipment, but as the world of electronics moves forward at breakneck speed, there is a danger of getting left behind, or worse, being outdated and liable for the results.

TAL Engineering has introduced a product which may be the next phase in elevator control panels. If you have, or are installing, a VVVF system, you may want to consider upgrading to the VITA LIFT CONTROLLER. These modular units have no moving parts or electromechanical contactors. That means no more contact replacements or contactor maintenance. That equates to reduced maintenance and repair costs. The enclosures are clean looking, and the sleek design lends itself to quicker inspection and maintenance. The controllers are preconfigured and have plug-and-play wiring as an installation benefit. They also include fault finding and remote monitoring as standard options. With features like that, it will be easy to stay on top of any issues which arise over the years, such as service interruption or a malfunctioning external component.

The VITA LIFT CONTROLLER has no motor or brake contactor; it is engineered to be used with variable-voltage/variable-frequency motors. It is designed for completely silent operation, longer service life and less maintenance. How does that compare to your current set-up? How will it save you time and money? Does this controller meet the needs of your current installation or an upcoming modernization?The best way to find out is to contact us for a complete system analysis. You can consult with us at Citywide Elevator Consulting. (Cell: 917.890.0842 / Ph: 212.227.2086 )

Michael Class