Elevator Etiquette

Elevator Etiquette

 Unless you live in a town that does not have any tall buildings and you have never traveled outside of said town before, you've most likely ridden on many elevators. For most people, this is the norm. You get in when the doors open, push your floor button, and then exit. Even though this is something you've done many times, it's possible that you've been violating basic elevator etiquette without realizing it. Here are some (flexible) rules that a fellow passenger would appreciate.

 Don’t Cut the Line

 Most of the time when riding an elevator, there usually won't be a clear-cut line to stand in. Instead, there is usually people standing in a loose cluster. If you pay attention though, you can usually tell who got there first, especially when the elevator comes. If you happen to arrive at the elevator with more than a few people and decide to bolt for the doors, not only is it extremely rude, but you’re also going to have to spend a few uncomfortable minutes with some annoyed people. 

 Let the Ladies Enter First, If You Want

 According to society norms, ladies go first in many instances. Even though this was more popular decades ago, most men don't have a problem letting a woman go ahead of them when entering or exiting an elevator. Yet, according to a manner’s expert, this doesn't apply at work or on the job. Gender shouldn't matter in these situations, meaning it isn't something that would be looked down upon if you happened to not let a woman go first.   

 The Hold Button

 We as a society tend to be pretty selfish. Most of us are preoccupied by things on our mind and yes, most of those things concern just us. When getting into an elevator, you want to get to your floor as fast as possible. This being the reason why when someone is running for the elevator that you're in, you may not be too sympathetic. However, if you're alone in an elevator you should really do the right thing and hold the door for a desperate passenger. If others are with you and you happen to be the button pusher, you have the decision to make, most people won't be upset having to wait an extra five seconds in order for another person to get on the elevator. 

 Don’t Make Phone Calls

 This may sound crazy to some people in this day and age, yet, believe it or not, it's very possible to survive without your phone for a couple of minutes. If it isn't possible for you to keep your phone out of your hands, it’s okay to browse and text, but under no circumstance is it okay for you to make phone calls. Nobody wants to unwillingly listen to your conversations from four feet away, especially whenit’s a personal conversation. 

 Next time you ride an elevator, whether it be at your office or your apartment building, be sure to think about these elevator etiquette rules. 

Michael Class